Compiling Ice

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On some platforms there are no officially supported binaries available. In that case you will either have to change your platform or compile Ice yourself.

Building Ice on Redhat/CentOS machines

Note: 3.3.1 is no longer the current version of Ice. Feel free to try this guide with the new version and update it if it works, or fix it if it does not.

1. Download and unpack ICE

tar -xzf Ice-3.3.1.tar.gz

2. Compile the ICE CPP bindings

(these are required for all other bindings)

You will need mcpp-devel from the Zeroc website installed to compile. - Ctrl-F and look for mcpp-devel. There is a big package of various Ice RPMs to download. You will install a few dependencies, along with the mcpp-devel package.

cd Ice-3.3.1/cpp

(wait 20 minutes)

sudo make install

3. Compile and install the Ice bindings for your preferred language

For example, to install Ruby bindings:

cd ../rb
sudo make install

4. Export the paths for your newly-installed libraries

These will be different for each language - check the INSTALL or README files in each language’s subdirectory for exact instructions.

For Ruby:

export RUBYLIB=/opt/Ice-3.3.1/ruby:$RUBYLIB
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Ice-3.3.1/lib:LD_LIBRARY_PATH

If you don’t want to always have to keep running those export lines, also add them to your ~/.bashrc:

export RUBYLIB=/opt/Ice-3.3.1/ruby:$RUBYLIB
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Ice-3.3.1/lib:LD_LIBRARY_PATH


At this point, Ice should be available to your language (in this case, Ruby):

$ irb
irb(main):001:0> require 'Ice'
=> true

Generate the Slice file for your language

To generate it for ruby, we use the slice2rb program, which is in the Ice/cpp/bin directory. Similar binaries for your language of choice will be there, too.

wget -O ""
cp Murmur.rb #{MANAGER_ROOT}/vendor/ice

Congratulations! Ice should be set up and fully functional.