
Our infrastructure is made possible thanks to the help of the following sponsors:


Thanks to Fastly’s CDN, only ~5% of the traffic hits our servers. The rest of the traffic is served by their insanely fast network.

This service provides us quite a few important advantages, such as:

  • Caching. This allowed our websites to be reachable during server(s) maintenance.
  • High speed. Very important, especially for our download server.
  • Lower bandwidth costs (our servers are not sponsored).
  • IPv6 support, even for IPv4-only backends.
  • DDoS protection.

Also, we haven’t experienced a single downtime in many years.


Oregon State University has an Open Source Lab which supports projects like ours.

They’re providing us access to a performant ARM64/AArch64 instance that we can use to build and test for that architecture.


Thanks to MacStadium we can maintain support for macOS. They provide us access to a Mac Mini.

Before that, the only member of our team who owns a Mac used to do all the macOS-related work, until he unfortunately had no time to dedicate to the project anymore.

We’re very happy with the service so far. Slightly less happy with macOS, but that’s another story (and unrelated to the service itself).


Our experience with 1Password began years ago, when looking for a versatile way to share credentials with the team.

A team member had already been using their service for a while, so we decided to give it a try.

Fast forward to today and we can say for sure that we couldn’t be happier.

  • The web interface is great. Navigating between multiple vaults and managing the organization is intuitive.
  • The password generator is excellent, it outputs passwords that can be easily typed.
  • No trackers. This is very important, especially when dealing with credentials.
  • 2FA is supported, allowing us to use it for shared accounts.

They are now offering us their service for free! For reference: https://github.com/1Password/1password-teams-open-source/pull/243