Mumble URL

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Mumble defines it’s own mumble:// URL scheme to share links to servers and channels and to be able to connect to them directly.

On Windows the installer will register mumble:// links to be opened with Mumble.

Mumble links can be opened on the command line by passing them to mumble.exe too:

mumble.exe mumble://

or with a channel path:

mumble.exe mumble://

You can get get a URL in the Channel context menu (right click):

Screenshot of Mumble channel context menu Copy URL item

Connect Behavior

When opening a Mumble link the Mumble client will connect to the server.

  • If you are already registered you will connect with your account
  • If the URL contains a username that username will be used
  • If no username is determined, the client will ask with what name you want to connect with

URL Format

  • optional username and password
  • mandatory address; a hostname, IPv4, or IPv6 address
  • optional port; defaults to 64738
  • optional channelpath; specifies a channel subtree to join; special characters must be URL-encoded; if the Mumble client can join the server but not the channel it will stay in the default channel
  • optional servername and serverurl; only used if the user drags the link and drops it in the server browser in Mumble for filling the server name and URL

“Special” non-ASCII characters must be %-encoded. Most utilities should do this for you. For more information see Wikipedia - URL encoding.

Simple form:




Server Password

A server password can be specified without a username:


URL Handler Installation

A manual handler installation should not be necessary for normal users.

Linux Gnome

gconftool-2 -s -t string /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/mumble/command 'mumble "%s"'
gconftool-2 -s -t bool /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/mumble/enabled true

If the mumble command is not globally accessible through the PATH environment variable you must specify the full path to the mumble executable.

version parameter


The version parameter is only necessary for client installations prior to the long-past Mumble version 1.2.4. Note that 1.2.0 stands for the protocol and will work for any client and server with higher versions too.

Mumble 1.2.0 introduced a protocol incompatibility which made it necessary for links to differentiate between a pre-1.2.0 server and a 1.2.0 (and above) server. The linked server would then be opened in the pre-1.2.0 compatibility client or the new client.

Since version 1.2.4 - released in 2014 - URLs without the version attribute are considered to be for the new protocol.

We do not expect such very old clients or servers to still be in use. We suggest you not include the version parameter for simpler URLs.