Mumble 1.2.3 RC2 released

We just released our next Release Candidate: Mumble 1.2.3 RC2. This Candidate is pretty much what most of the people using the latest Snapshots have been using the last weeks and we consider it to be very reliable. As always the download can be found on our webpage at If you want to know what exactly was changed since the last RC you can find our commitlog here. Thanks to all the people that tested RC1 and reported bugs.


Mumble 1.2.3 RC released

We are happy to announce the release of the first Release Candidate of the upcoming Mumble 1.2.3. As the name implies we consider this release to be ready to be a stable version. If no show stoppers pop up the candidate will be re-released as stable soon. If you find any issues please report them asap or they will be in the stable release. The Mumble 1.2.3 RC download can be found on our homepage at https://www.



Hello fellow Mumblers, As you might have realised it has been quite some time since 1.2.2 was released and we are eager to take the next step: 1.2.3 stable. Unfortunately there is one tricky thing about stable releases: They should be stable 🙂 With now more than 190.000 users using 1.2.2 we cannot risk pushing something out there that breaks what used to work or behaves erratically in other obvious ways.


Lost in translation

One important milestone for any Mumble release is freezing the text-strings. After a freeze, no changes are allowed, which means our translators can start working. For this release, we’d like a bit of help proofing and checking the strings before we freeze them.


Building web services for Mumble

Mumble provides a pretty neat online experience to its users as it is – still, people often look for some kind of an interface to query the server for status information over the web. The most common use for such an interface is an embedded channel viewer on a team’s web site, but it could be used for monitoring or other kinds of status notifications as well – the limit being your imagination.


Mumble for iOS Beta Test: Phase 1

As promised some time ago, the beta test for Mumble for iOS-based devices has now gone live.

The portal for the beta testing efforts can be found at Mumble for iOS Beta Portal. If you are interested in testing the application, please read on for more information on joining the beta test.


For the record

As you already know if you read the article on our Tracker Squash Meeting or listened to the buzz in #mumble on IRC the upcoming 1.2.3 release will have a recording feature. The work on this has progressed nicely and since we are now shipping the first snapshots with this new feature in them we think it is time to give you a proper introduction.


First Mumble Tracker Squash Meeting

Over the past few months, most of the Mumble team has been busy with other projects. This has lead to an unfortunate build-up of unsolved bug and feature requests. This Sunday, we had our first developer meeting to address this.


Oh no, We’ve made a buzzword

When we first started with Mumble, we did it because none of the commercial alternatives had quality we were happy with, and there were no open source projects that would have been a good starting base. So, we made our own. This means Mumble was made to satisfy a need; the need we have for high quality voicecom when we play. As such, our two focus areas are voice quality and voice latency. Oh, and “cool technical stuff”. But I digress. Quality is subjective, and is hard to quantify, but latency is much easier to test.


Home, Sweet Home

First things first: Welcome to our shiny new blog 😉

This is the official blog of the Mumble project. With this blog we will try to keep our user base informed about notable events in and around Mumble as well as other trivia we consider worth sharing.