Mumble in-game Overlay Documentation

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Mumble can show information within rendered applications; most notably videogames which are typically used with full screen rendering.

Mumble can show connected and/or talking voice participants as well as current FPS and/or the clock time.

The overlay can give users feedback about who is connected or who is talking when the application would otherwise obscure this information. Even if the user has Mumble open on a second monitor, the overlay may be a useful addition as it can be placed freely on the primarily focused on monitor.

Mumble hooks into 3D rendering technology. On Windows it currently supports Direct3D 9/10/11 and OpenGL. On Linux and macOS it supports OpenGL. Both 32- and 64-bit applications are supported.

Support Tables

x64 (64-bit) Applications
API Support
Vulkan since 1.3.0
OpenGL since 1.3.0
Direct3D 12 does not display
Direct3D 11 since 1.3.0
Direct3D 10 since 1.3.0
Direct3D 9exsince 1.3.0
Direct3D 9 since 1.3.0
x86 (32-bit) Applications
API Support
Vulkan since 1.3.0
OpenGL supported
Direct3D 12 does not display
Direct3D 11 supported
Direct3D 10 supported
Direct3D 9exsupported
Direct3D 9 supported
Linux and macOS
x64 + x86 (64- and 32-bit)
API Support
Vulkan since 1.3.0
OpenGL supported

Incompatible Games

The following games are known to have issues with the Mumble overlay:

GameLast UpdatedAPICommentsFixed in
Combat Arms unknownoverlay causes CA to crash after map changes; overlay will not display unless one joins a server and then leaves itunknown
Vanguard unknowncrashes to desktop when overlay is enabledunknown
Call of Duty 4 unknownPunkBuster kick playing onlineunknown
Call of Duty 2 unknownPunkBuster kick playing onlineunknown
Killing Floor unknownthe game will crash when changing resolutions or going into fullscreen modeunknown
Red Orchestra unknownthe game will crash when changing resolutions or going into fullscreen modeunknown
H1Z1 unknowngame crashes at startupunknown
